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Leadership Teams

PALAC Board   

PALAC’s Board includes Officers (the Executive Committee) and Directors. Officers are elected and serve in their positions for at least one 1-year term, whereas Directors are elected for 3-year terms.

The Board meets via Zoom on the fourth Thursday of every month beginning at 4:00 pm.

Jane Crane, President

I have a strange educational background: a bachelor’s degree in English and a Master’s in Measurement and Statistics.  Not too many jobs in the late 60s for someone with a degree in English who didn’t want to teach. I ended up in the market research business, analyzing mountains of survey data. Bottom line: I love to read both fiction and non-fiction. I joined PALAC as a newly retired person new to the area about 10 years ago. PALAC’s group discussions are lively and very educational. I’ve learned so much. The leaders are trained facilitators so there’s no lecturing, and the participants enrich the reading tremendously. Members embraced me as a newcomer, and they’ve always been warm and welcoming. I’ve made many good friends.

Anthony Koerner, Vice President

I joined PALAC in 2020, several years after retiring from practicing medicine in Pasadena for 35 years. I have found that it has enriched my retirement years by providing new experiences, stimulating discussions and opportunities to make new friends.

It is a remarkable organization that offers the stimulation that I feel is so important for senior citizens.

Susan Phifer, Treasurer

PALAC has provided enrichment to my life, whether it be exploring current topics deeply in a small group of people with diverse life experiences, reading/discussing authors I previously had not appreciated or participating in field trips.

I also appreciate the opportunity to serve on the Board and help this organization continue its history of serving the community.

Sue Hogan, Secretary 

I was receiving PALAC program brochures for several years while I was still working.  They always interested me, but I didn’t have sufficient free time to participate. However, as soon as I retired, I joined and — that was over 20 years ago! I’ve since read many books and enjoyed and learned from the discussions. I’ve read books that I would never have read on my own -- for example, The Theory of Relativity! I’ve enjoyed many field trips and other offerings and, best of all, I’ve made many friends and now have a busy and fun social life. My life is so much richer since joining PALAC!!

PALAC Directors

Terms Ending January 2025
Lisa Darling
Sue Hogan
Anthony Koerner
Susan Phifer
Coralie Whitcomb 
Terms Ending January 2026
Jane Crane
Bob Diller 
Donna Jaffee
Beth Mael
Joan Stafford

Terms Ending January 2027
Carolyn Karpin
Sue Komarek
Marjorie Levin
James Liu
Christine Rufolo

2024 Committee Chairs

Annual Meeting:   Christine Rufolo

Sue Komarek

Leadership Committee: 
Jane Crane

Membership Committee: 
Jane Crane

Nominating Committee: 
Sue Komarek  

James Liu

Recognition Dinner:  Marilynne and Roger Wilander

Marilynne and Roger Wilander

Christine Rufolo

James Liu

Donna Jaffee and James Liu 

2024 Discussion Group and Field Trip Leaders

Our discussion group leaders go through extensive training, either in person or on Zoom, and each receives a copy of our Leaders’ Manual. Rather than lecturing, our leaders learn how to facilitate discussions and keep them lively, penetrating and, most of all, civil. Our leaders become accomplished facilitators who gladly give their time because they value PALAC and its educational objectives.

Field trip leaders are trained in the protocol they must follow when leading a field trip, including administrative tasks.